2022 Grant Awardees
Adam Cohen
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Quantification of Photosensitivity in Dry Eye Disease Utilizing a Novel Ocular Photosensitivity Analyzer
Urvi Gupta
Massachusetts Eye & Ear / Schepens Eye Research Institute
Investigating the molecular mechanism underlying EMCN’s role in VEGF-induced clathrin-mediated VEGFR2 endocytosis
Alireza Kamalipour
University of California, San Diego
Improving Detection and Prediction of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma from OCTA Using Artificial Intelligence
Allison Kang
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography and Erythrocyte-Mediated Angiography: A Quantitative Assessment of Blood Flow in Glaucoma
James Lai
University of Miami, McKnight Vision Center
Pilot Study to Increase the Penetration Depth of Rose Bengal in the Human Cornea
Fatima Massare Somers
Duke University
Exploring the role of ERRα (Estrogen Related Receptor Alpha) in the eye as a function of age and AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration)
Sneha Kotagudda Murali Mohan
University of Georgia
Interaction of PAX6 and Notch signaling in Corneal epithelial cells
Rida Osman
University of Georgia
Establishing of A.sagrei as a model of Ocular Albinism (OA1)
Vidhya Rao
Loyola University, Chicago
Antioxidant therapy using manganese porphyrins for the treatment of particulate matter-induced dry eye disease in rabbits
Megan Sabb
University of Michigan
Assessing Patient Experience with Michigan Screening and Intervention for Glaucoma and eye Health through Telemedicine (MI-SIGHT) Program
Fatima Shirazee
McMaster University
Investigating the Effect of a Micelle-Based Drug Delivery System in Reducing IOP and Glaucomatous Effects
Rupendra Shrestha
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of CRB1-associated retinal dystrophies using human retinal organoids
Alison Zhao
Cleveland Clinic, Cole Eye Institute
Fluctuations in macular thickness in patients receiving 0.18 mg fluocinolone acetonide implants (FAi) for the treatment of noninfectious posterior uveitis (NIPU).
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