Fight for Sight ‐ NANOS Research Award Application Instructions

This award is made by Fight for Sight and the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society to support a promising clinician-scientist interested in neuro-ophthalmology research
• Applicants must be a current US or Canadian resident or fellow in either ophthalmology or neurology.
• The mentor must be a member of NANOS.
• The award will include a $3,000 research stipend from FFS, accompanied by a $1,500 travel grant from NANOS, for the grant recipient to present a research paper based on the funded work at the NANOS annual meeting.
• Adequate time and resources must be made available by the institution for the awardee to complete the project.
• The project described must be one that can be successfully completed within 6-9 months. The project must be original research, although it may be in an area where the mentor and/or other faculty have active support.
• The award may be used to offset salaries or to cover equipment and supplies.
• Applications must be submitted September 15th, MIDNIGHT EASTERN TIME.
• Applications are scored based on three criteria: the likelihood that the applicant will pursue a career as a clinician-scientist in neuro-ophthalmology; the strength and resources of the institutional environment and mentor; and the scientific merit of the project. Selection is made by the FFS Scientific Review Committee (SRC) and NANOS advisory members.
• Interested candidates for this award should apply online at: by selecting the FFS-NANOS Proposal Form, and following the on-line instructions, making sure to upload all relevant documents.